Comincia una nuova fase. Mentre anche in Italia, tramite i canali appartenenti a Telecom, vengono divulgate le nuove teorie scientifiche che allargherebbero le conoscenze sui meccanismi che regolano il clima, il voto europeo porta avanti un'Europa che renderà difficile il dialogo con il nuovo corso inaugurato da Barack Obama. Xenofobi, antislamici, antieuropeisti sponsorizzati, avvantaggiati o semplicemente favoriti dalle seguenti persone:
2. Abrams, Elliott; PNAC, Heritage, DoS, HU, Special Asst. to President Bush, NSC
3. Adelman, Ken; PNAC, CPD, DoD, DPB, Fox News, CPD, Affairs, Commander in Chief Strategic Air Command, Northrop Grumman, Arms Control Disarmament Agency
4. Aldrige, E.C. Jr.; CFR, PNAC, NSA, HU, HF, Sec. of the Air Force, Asst. Sec. of State, Douglas Aircraft, DoD, LTV Aerospace, WHOMB, Strategic Systems Group, Aerospace Corp.
5. Allen, Richard V.; PNAC, HF, HO, CFR, CPD, DPB, CNN, US Congress, CIA Analyst,CSIS, NSC
6. Amitay, Morris J.; JINSA, AIPAC
7. Andrews, D.P.; SAIC
8. Andrews, Michael; L-3 Communications Holdings, Deputy Asst. Sec. of Research and Technology, Chief Scientist for the US Army
9. Archibald, Nolan D.; Lockheed Martin
10. Baker, James, III, Caryle, Sec. of State (Bush), Sec. of Tres. (Reagan)
11. Barr, William P.; HF, HO, PNAC, CFR, NSA, US Congress, Asst. to the President (Reagan), Carlyle,
12. Barram, David J.; Computer Sciences Corporation, US DoC
13. Barrett, Barbara; Raytheon
14. Bauer, Gary; PNAC, Under Sec. of Ed.
15. Bechtel, Riley; Bechtel
16. Bechtel, Steve; Bechtel
17. Bell, Jeffrey; PNAC, MI
18. Bennett, Marcus C.; Lockheed Martin
19. Bennett, William J.; PNAC, NSA, HU, Sec. of Education
20. Bergner, Jeffrey; PNAC, HU, Boeing
21. Berns, Walter; AEI, CPD
22. Biggs, John H.; Boeing, CFR
23. Blechman, Barry; DoD, CPD
24. Bolton, John; JINSA, PNAC, AEI, DoS, DoJ, Amb. to UN, WH Legis. Counsil, Agency Int'l Devel, Under Sec. State Arms Control-Int'l Security
25. Boot, Max; PNAC, CFR
26. Bremer, L. Paul; HF, CFR, Administrator of Iraq
27. Brock, William; CPD, Senator, Sec. of Labor
28. Brooks, Peter; DoD, Heritage, CPD
29. Bryen, Stephen; JINSA, AEI, DoD, L-3 Network Security, Edison Int'l, Disney
30. Bryson, John E.; Boeing
31. Bush, Jeb; PNAC, Governor of Florida
32. Bush, George H. W., President, Carlyle, CIA Dir.
33. Bush, Wes; Northrop Grumman
34. Cambone, Stephen; PNAC, NSA, DoD, Los Alamos (specialized in theater nuclear weapons issues), Ofc. Sec. Defense: Dir. Strategic Def., CSIS, CSP
35. Chabraja, Nicholas D.; General Dynamics
36. Chain, John T. Jr. Northrup Grumman, Sec. of the Air Force, Dir. of Politico-MilitaryAffairs, DoS, Chief of Staff for Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, Commander in Chief Strategic Air Command
37. Chao, Elaine; HF, Sec. of Labor, Gulf Oil, US DoT, CFR
38. Chavez, Linda; PNAC, MI, CFR
39. Cheney, Lynne; AEI, Lockheed Martin
40. Cheney, Richard; JINSA, PNAC, JINSA, AEI, HU, Halliburton, Sec. of Defense, VP of US
41. Cohen Eliot A.; PNAC, AEI, DPB, DoD, CLI, CPD
42. Coleman, Lewis W.; Northrop Grumman
43. Colloredo-Manfeld, Ferdinand; Raytheon
44. Cook, Linda Z.; Boeing
45. Cooper, Dr. Robert S.; BAE Systems, Asst. Sec. of Defense
46. Cooper, Henry; CPD, DoD, Heritage, Depty Asst. Sec. Air Force, US Arms Control Disarm. Strategic Def. Initiative, Applied Research Assoc, NIPP
47. Cox, Christopher; CSP, Senior Associate Counsel to the President, Chairman: SEC.
48. Crandall, Robert L.; Halliburton, FAA Man. Advisor Bd.
49. Cropsey, Seth; PNAC, AEI, HF, HU, DoD, Under-Sec. Navy
50. Cross, Devon Gaffney; PNAC, DPB, HF, CPD, HO
51. Crouch, J.D.; CSP, Depty. National Security Advisor, DoD, Amb. to Romania
52. Crown, James S.; General Dynamics, Henry Crown and Co.
53. Crown, Lester; General Dynamics, Henry Crown and Co.
54. Dachs, Alan; Bechtel, CFR
55. Dahlburg, Ken; SAIC, DoC, Asst. to Reagan, WHOMB
56. Darman, Richard G.; Carlyle, Dir. of the US Office of Management and Budget, President Bush's Cabinet, Asst. to the President of the US, Deputy Sec. of the US Treasury, Asst. US Sec. of Commerce
57. Dawson, Peter; Bechtel
58. Decter, Midge; HF, HO, PNAC, CPD
59. Demmish, W.H.; SAIC
60. DeMuth, Christopher; AEI, US Office of Management and Budget, Asst. to Pres. (Nixon)
61. Derr, Kenneth T.; Halliburton
62. Deutch, John; Dir. CIA, Deputy Sec. of Defense, Raytheon
63. Dine, Thomas; CLI, US Senate (Church, Ed. Kennedy), AIPAC, US Agency Int'l Development, Free Radio Europe/Radio Liberty, Prague, Czech Rep., CFR
64. Dobriansky, Paula; PNAC, HU, AEI, CPB, DoS, Army, NSC European/Soviet Affairs, USIA, ISS
65. Donnelly, Thomas; AEI, PNAC, Lockheed Martin
66. Downing, Wayne, Ret. Gen. US Army, NSA, CLI, SAIC
67. Drummond, J.A.; SAIC
68. Duberstein, Kenneth M.; Boeing, WH Chief of Staff
69. Dudley, Bill; Bechtel
70. Eberstadt, Nicholas; AEI, CPD, PNAC, DoS (consultant)
71. Ebner, Stanley; Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Northrop Grumman, CSP
72. Ellis, James O. Jr.; Lockheed Martin, Retired Navy Admiral and Commander US Strategic Command
73. Epstein David, PNAC, Office of Sec. Defense
74. Everhart, Thomas; Raytheon
75. Falcoff, Mark; AEI, CFR
76. Fautua, David; PNAC, Lt. Col. US Army
77. Fazio, Vic; Northrup Grumman, Congressman (CA)
78. Feith, Douglas; JINSA, DoD, L-3 Communications, Northrup Grumman, NSC, CFR, CPS
79. Feulner, Edwin J. Jr.; HF, HO, Sec. HUD, Inst. European Def. & Strategy Studies, CSIS
80. Foley, D.H.; SAIC
81. Fradkin, Hillel; PNAC, AEI,
82. Frank, Stephen E.; Northrop Grumman
83. Fricks, William P.; General Dynamics
84. Friedberg, Aaron; PNAC, CFR, NSA, DoD, CIA consultant
85. Frost, Phillip (M.D.); Northrop Grumman
86. Fukuyama, Francis; PNAC, CFR, HU
87. Gates, Robert, CIA-dir. NSA, SAIC
88. Gaffney, Frank; CPD, PNAC, Washington Times, DoD
89. Gaut, C. Christopher; Halliburton
90. Gedmin, Jeffrey; AEI, PNAC, CPD
91. Gerecht, Reuel Marc; PNAC, AEI, CIA, CBS
92. Gillis, S. Malcom; Halliburton, Electronic Data Systems Corp
93. Gingrich, Newt; AEI, CFR, HO, DPB, U.S House of Reps., CLI, CPD
94. Goodman, Charles H.; General Dynamics
95. Gorelick, Jamie S. United Technologies Corporation, Deputy attorney general, DoD, Asst. to the Sec. of Energy, National Com. Terrorist Threats Upon the US, DoJ, Nat'l
Security Adv., CIA, CFR
96. Gouré, Daniel; DoD, SAIC, DoE, DoS (consultant), CSP
97. Haas, Lawrence J.; Communications WHOMB, CPD
98. Hadley, Stephen; NSA advisor to Bush, Lockheed Martin
99. Hamre, John J. ITT Industries, SAIC, U. S. Dep. Sec. of Defense, Under Sec. of Defense, Senate Armed Services Committee
100. Hash, Tom; Bechtel
101. Haynes, Bill; Bechtel
102. Hoeber, Amoretta; CSP, Defense Industry consultant, CPD, CFR, DoD
103. Horner, Charles; HU, CSP, DoS, Staff member of Sen. Daniel Patrick Moyihan
104. Howell, W.R.; Halliburton, Dir. Deutsche Bank
105. Hunt, Ray L.; Halliburton, Electronic Data Systems Corp, President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
106. Inman, Bobby Ray; Ret. Adm. US Navy, CIA-Dir, CFR, NSA, SAIC
107. Ikle, Fred; AEI, PNAC, CPD, HU, DPB, Under Sec. DoD, Def. Policy Board
108. Iorizzo, Robert P.; Northrop Grumman
109. Jackson, Bruce; PNAC, NSA, AEI, CFR, Office of Sec. of Def., US Army Military Intelligence, Lockheed Martin, Martin Marietta, CLI, CPD
110. Jennings, Sir John, Bechtel
111. Johnson, Jay L.;General Dynamics, Retired Admiral, US Navy
112. Jones, A.K.; SAIC, DoD
113. Joseph, Robert; Under Sec. of State for Arms Control and Int'l Security Affairs, DoD, CSP, NIPP
114. Joulwan, George A.; General Dynamics, Retired General, US Army
115. Kagan, Frederick PNAC, West Point Military Academy
116. Kagan, Robert; PNAC, CFR, DoS (Deputy for Policy), Washington Post, CLI, editor Weekly Standard
117. Kaminski, Paul G. General Dynamics, Under Sec. of US Department of Defense
118. Kaminsky, Phyllis ; JINSA, CSP, NSC, Int'l Pub. Rel. Society,
119. Kampelman, Max M.; PNAC, JINSA, CPD, Sec. Housing and Urban Development, CPD
120. Keane, John M. General Dynamics, Retired General, US Army, Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, DoD Policy Board
121. Kennard, William, Carlyle, NY Times, FCC
122. Kemble, Penn; PNAC, DoS, USIA
123. Kemp, Jack; JINSA, HF, Sec. of HUD, US House of Reps., CPD
124. Keyworth, George; CSP, HU, Los Alamos, General Atomics, NSC
125. Khalilzad, Zalmay; PNAC, Amb. to Iraq
126. King, Gwendolyn S.; Lockheed Martin
127. Kirkpatrick, Jeane; AEI, JINSA, CFR, CPD, NSA, Sec. of Defense Commission, US Rep. to UN, CLI, CPD, Carlyle
128. Kramer, H.M.J., Jr.; SAIC
129. Kristol, Irving; CFR, AEI, DoD, Wall Street Journal Board of Contributors
130. Kristol, William; PNAC, AEI, MI, VP Chief of Staff '89, CLI, Domes. Policy Adv. To VP, '89
131. Kupperman, Charles; CPD, Boeing, NIPP
132. Lagon, Mark; PNAC, CFR, AEI, DoS
133. Lane, Andrew; Halliburton
134. Larson, Charles R.; Retired Admiral of the US Navy, Northrop Grumman
135. Laspa Jude; Bechtel
136. Ledeen, Michael; AEI, JINSA, DoS (consultant), DoD
137. Lehman, John; PNAC, NSA, DoD, Sec. of Navy
138. Lehrman, Lewis E.; AEI, MI, HF, G.W. Bush Oil Co. partner
139. Lesar, Dave; Halliburton
140. Libby, I. Lewis; PNAC, Chief of Staff to Dick Cheney, DoS, Northrup Grumman, RAND, DoD, House of Rep., Team B
141. Livingston, Robert; House of Rep., CSP, DoJ
142. Loy, James M., Lockheed Martin, Retired US Navy Admiral
143. Malone, C.B.; SAIC, Martin Marietta, DynCorp, Titan Corp., CLI, CPD
144. Martin, J. Landis; Halliburton
145. McCorkindale, Douglas H.; Lockheed Martin
146. McDonnell, John F.; Boeing
147. McFarlane, Robert; National Security Advisor (Reagan), CPD, Bush's Transition Advisory Committee on Trade
148. McNerney, James W.; Boeing, 3M, GE
149. Meese, Edwin; HF, HO, US Attorney General, Bechtel, CPD
150. Merrill, Philip; CSP, DoD, Import-Export Bank of US
151. Minihan, Kenneth A.; Ret. General US Air Force, BAE Systems, DoD, Defense Intelligence Agency
152. Moore, Frank W.; Northrop Grumman
153. Moore, Nick; Bechtel
154. Moorman, Thomas S.; CSP, Aerospace Corporation, Rumsfeld Space Commission, US Air Force: Former vice chief of staff
155. Mundy, Carl E. Jr.; General Dynamics, Retired General, US Marine Corps Commandant
156. Muravchik, Joshua; AEI, JINSA, PNAC, CLI, CPD
157. Murphy, Eugene F.; Lockheed Martin, GE
158. Nanula, Richard; Boeing
159. Novak, Michael; AEI, CPD
160. Nunn, Sam; GE, US Senator, Chairman Senate Armed Services Committee
161. O'Brien, Rosanne; Northrop Grumman, Carlyle
162. Odeen, Philip A.; Defense and Arms Control Staff for Henry Kissinger, TRW, Northrop Grumman
163. Ogilvie, Scott; Bechtel
164. Owens, William, Ret. Adm. US Navy, DPB, Joint Chiefs of Staff, SAIC
165. Perle, Richard; AEI, PNAC, CPD, CFR, NSA, JINSA, HU, DoD, DPD, CLI, Carlyle
166. Peters, Aulana L.; Northrop Grumman, SEC
167. Pipes, Daniel; PNAC, CPD, Team B
168. Podhoretz, Norman; PNAC, CPD, HU, CFR
169. Poses, Frederic; Raytheon
170. Precourt, Jay A.; Halliburton
171. Quayle, Dan; PNAC, VP US
172. Ralston, Joseph W.; Lockheed Martin, Retired Air Force Gen., Vice Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
173. Reed, Deborah L.; Halliburton, Pres. Southern CA. Gas & Elec
174. Ridgeway, Rozanne; Boeing, Asst. Sec. of State- Europe and Canada, Amb. German Democratic Republic, Finland, DoD
175. Riscassi, Robert; L-3 Communications Holdings, UN Command/Korea, Army vice chief of staff; Joint Chiefs of Staff
176. Roche, James; Sec. of the Air Force, CSP, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, DoS
177. Rodman, Peter W.; PNAC, NSA, Asst. Sec. of Defense for Int'l Security Affairs, DoS,
178. Rowen, Henry S.; PNAC, HO, CFR, DPB, DoD
179. Rubenstein, David M.; Carlysle, Deputy Asst. to the President for Domestic Policy (Carter)
180. Rubin, Michael; AEI, CFR, Office of Sec. of Defense
181. Rudman, Warren; US Senator, Raytheon
182. Ruettgers, Michael; Raytheon
183. Rumsfeld, Donald; PNAC, HO, Sec. of Defense, Bechtel, Tribune Co.
184. Sanderson, E.J.; SAIC
185. Savage, Frank; Lockheed Martin
186. Scaife, Richard Mellon; HO, HF, CPD, Tribune Review Publishing Co.
187. Scheunemann, Randy; PNAC, Office of Sec. of Defense (consultant), Lockheed Martin, CLI Founder /Dir., CPD
188. Schlesinger, James ; DoE, Atomic Energy Commission, Dir. CIA, CSP
189. Schmitt, Gary; PNAC, CLI, DoD (consultant), CLI
190. Schneider, William, Jr.; BAE Systems, PNAC, DoS, House of Rep./Senate staffer, WHOMB, CSP, NIPP
191. Schultz, George; HO, AEI, CPD, CFR, PNAC, Sec. of State, Sec. of Treasury, Bechtel, CLI, CPD
192. Shalikashvili, John M.; Boeing, Retired Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, DoD, Ret. Gen. US Army, CFR
193. Sharer, Kevin; Northrup Grumman, US Naval Academy, Ret. Lt. Com. US Navy
194. Sheehan, Jack, Bechtel, DPB
195. Shelman, Thomas W.; Northrup Grumman, DoD
196. Shulsky, Abram; PNAC, DoD
197. Skates, Ronald L.; Raytheon
198. Slaughter, John Brooks; Northrop Grumman
199. Sokolski, Henry; PNAC, HF, HO, CIA, DoD
200. Solarz, Stephen; PNAC, HU, DoS, CPD, Carlyle
201. Spivey, William; Raytheon
202. Statton, Tim; Bechtel
203. Stevens, Anne; Lockheed Martin
204. Stevens, Robert J.; Lockheed Martin
205. Stuntz, Linda; Raytheon, US DoE
206. Sugar, Ronald D.; Northrup Grumman, Association of the US Army
207. Swanson, William; Raytheon, Lockheed Martin
208. Tkacik, John; PNAC, HF, US Senate
209. Turner, Michael J.; BAE Systems
210. Ukropina, James R., Lockheed Martin
211. Van Cleave, William R.; Team B, HO, CSP, CPD, DoD, NIPP
212. Waldron, Arthur; CSP, AEI, PNAC, CFR
213. Walkush, J.P.; SAIC
214. Wallop, Malcolm; Heritage, HU, CSP, PNAC, Senate
215. Walmsley, Robert; General Dynamics, Retired Vice-Admiral, Royal Navy, Chief of Defense Procurement for the UK Ministry of Defense
216. Warner, John Hillard; SAIC, US Army/Airforce Assn.
217. Watts, Barry; PNAC Northrop Grumman
218. Weber, John Vincent (Vin); PNAC, George W. Bush Campaign Advisor, NPR
219. Wedgewood, Ruth; CLI, DoD, DoJ, DoS, CFR
220. Weldon, Curt; House of Rep, CSP
221. Weyrich, Paul; HF, PNAC, US Senate
222. White, John P.; L-3 Communications, Chair of the Com. on Roles and Missions of the Armed Forces, DoD
223. Wieseltier, Leon; PNAC, CLI
224. Williams, Christopher A.; PNAC, DPB, Under Sec. for Defense, Boeing (lobbyist), Northrop Grumman (lobbyist), CLI
225. Winter, Donald C; Northrop Grumman
226. Wolfowitz, Paul; PNAC, HF, HU, Team B, Under-Sec. Defense, World Bank, Northrop Grumman, DoS
227. Wollen, Foster; Bectel
228. Woolsey R. James; PNAC, JINSA, CLI, DPB, CIA (Dir.), Under Sec. of Navy, NIPP
229. Wurmser, David; AEI, Office of VP Middle East Adviser, DoS
230. Yearly, Douglas C.; Lockheed Martin
231. Young, A.T.; SAIC
232. Zaccaria, Adrian; Bechtel
233. Zafirovski, Michael S.; Boeing
234. Zakheim, Dov S.; PNAC, HF, CFR, DoD, Northrup Grumman, McDonnell Douglas, CPD
235. Zinni, Anthony C.; Retired General US Marines, BAE Systems, Commander in Chief US Central Command
236. Zoellick, Robert; PNAC, US Trade Representative, DoS, CSIS, CFR, DOJ
PNAC Project For New American Century
HO Hoover Institute
AEI American Enterprise Institute
HU Hudson Institute
NSC National Security Council
HF Heritage Foundation
DPB Defense Policy Board
CPD Committee on Present Danger
JINSA Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs
MI Manhattan Institute
CLI Committee for the Liberation of Iraq
CSP Center for Security Policy: Institute for Strategic Studies
CSIS Center for Strategic and Int'l Studies
NIPP National Institute for Public Policy
AIPAC American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Team B Presidents Foreign Advisory Board
Agenzie di rilievo e altre organizzazioni
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
DoD Department of Defense
DoS Department of State
CFR Council on Foreign Relations
DoJ Department of Justice
DoC Department of Commerce
WHOMB White House Office of Management and Budget
DoE Department of Energy
DPB Defense Policy Board
DoT Department of Transportation
NSA National Security Agency
Questi sono i nomi e le strutture che possono orientare in un modo o nell'altro la politica mondiale, le linee guida dell'economia planetarie e persino il flusso di informazioni e controinformazioni che internet potenzia e gira in tutto il mondo. In una parola, il nemico di un mondo democratico e gli attori protagonisti per il prossimo conflitto planetario (sia esso di tipo economico, politico o militare) sono tutti qui. Prossimamente darò un volto ad ognuno dei nomi qui presenti.